We advocates of the Foster Children, Parents and Parental Rights Advocates Union are attempting to place ourselves on the "frontlines" of this battle against an imbedded evil, Child Protective Services in America. All our State Chapters will be assigned State Presidents, Vice Presidents, Treasurers and Chief Stewards. These individuals will command a vast army of advocates in every state whose goal will be to confront child protective services county by county in every U.S. state and occupied territory. With 54 chapters in all and everyone of them united to form one powerful National Union we will be well positioned to implement changes in child protective services on a national level as well as through the actions of our National Leaders. There are some who say that the momentum is gone and that the fight has already been lost. We say No. We are fighting for the salvation of families in America and for the very lives and futures of our children. Child protective services is well financed through money made from the unjust takings of our children additionally those takings are totally funded from our Social Security Trust Fund. In essence we Americans are actually paying for our own persecution. Child protective services uses the same tactics employed by the rich and powerful to subvert the masses for centuries. That is divide and conquer. They first separate children from their parents. They then separate mothers from fathers using lies, false statements and false promises of reunification. They then convince parents that they are completely on their own and at the mercy of cps and the Family Court System. With child protective services "protected" by our politicians, police and court system parents have no other option but to become bulldozed by this system which leaves parents very few realistic options to overcome it. That is until now. We envision a truly united National Union. With thousands of members per state and territory. Flush with resources like buildings for every chapter, buses to transport our members, accountants, lawyers and private investigators. And revenue from union dues, merchandising, donations and fees from lawsuits won on behalf of our members we will have the means and the power to affect elections on the state and national levels. We can run advertising campaigns to show our fellow Americans the true face of child protective services and not the sunny and rosy depictions of foster care we are now being force fed. We will flood the federal courts with lawsuit after lawsuit until the entire system begins to buckle under the strain of our initiatives. We will hold social workers, judges and elected officials accountable in criminal courts in every state for their complicit actions in upholding and perpetuating this unlawful system which destroys families, devastates children and holds our Constitutionally Protected Rights in contempt. My friends what we are proposing will not come cheaply. Nor will it be an easy victory. It will take years to accomplish these things and millions of dollars as well. We who have been victimized by child protective services in America have very little trust for anyone or anything which promises to right the wrongs that we have endured. And rightly so for there are many individuals, groups and organizations who are making millions off of the suffering of these victimized children and families. Who do we trust? We must trust one another. Only those who have suffered as we have can be trusted to end our suffering. This union is made up of victims of child protective services in every state. Everyone from the National President to the state union member has been affected by them. The leadership and the membership are all victims of cps corruption. All assets from the state chapter buildings to buses are jointly owned by the state chapter members. Every State Treasurer must be a Certified Public Accountant with strict oversight from the office of our National Treasurer. There are too many checks and balances in place for our organization to defraud anyone. As the child protective services system now stands it cannot be dismantled by any other means but a united organization represented by the citizens of every state under one centralized leadership. We must come to the realization that if we are paying for child protective services to take our children and trample our rights then we must also pay to save our children and protect those rights guaranteed to us. Right now there are a handful of individuals paying five dollars a month to keep our website going and fund our efforts. Until revenue begins to be generated through merchandising and wins in court we will need many many more individuals to begin to do the same. For the price of what most people pay for coffee every morning we are asking once per month to help us rid our land of this injustice forever. This revolution begins with you.
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